In September 2022, the Anaerobic Fungi Network held the first international anaerobic fungi congress (IAFC2022).
As you can probably already guess, the HiPoAF team jumped on board that train right from the beginning. Akshay, Christian, Julia, and Sophia were involved in the organization of the congress itself, while Sabine, Vroni, and Michael acted as chair, and panel experts, respectively.
The congress took place in GatherTown and was spread over 18 hours to cover nearly all time zones worldwide.
And in case you are wondering: yes, some of us were crazy enough to participate the whole time!
Of course, the HiPoAF team also gave updates on their scientific progress! Akshay, Diana, Julia, Katrin, and Leonie each gave a talk at the congress (check out our 'Publications' site for more details).
From our side, we can only agree with all the positive feedback traveling through the AFN community now. We've really enjoyed all the interesting, and lively discussions, and especially enjoyed meeting everyone from the AFN that way. What a day it was!