This thursday we tested the effective range of the University Innsbruck Biogas Car by taking a little road trip from Innsbruck, Austria to Freising, Germany (approx. 200km one way), where the LfL-Team hosted a get together for us.
We arrived midday and after a refreshing lunch at the Orangerie, the small meeting on current issues and further plans was a productive one.

An interesting tour through the laboratories of the LfL-Team followed and way too soon we were already back on the road again, heading home to Innsbruck. That's certainly one of the drawbacks for international projects: you never get to see your colleagues from the partner labs as often as you would like to.
But luckily, telephone and video conferences are easily managable in this day & age and we also have already planned our next gettogethers. First-up will be a visit from the Swiss Team to LfL, and Spring 2020 brings the next big project meeting, also @ the LfL in Freising!