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Julia Veitengruber

Ph.D. candidate

Since the ends of 2020 I´m working at LfL- Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture in the group of Dr. Michael Lebuhn and Dr. Vroni Flad. First I started as student assistent responsible for subcultering and maintaining the collection of anaerobic fungi cultures. Then last year I got the chance to work as research assistant in the prolongation of the project “HipoAF“. We were isolating AnF from rodents of the family Cavidae and I was doing some test series for ongoing exploring the connection between glycosid hydrolases family GH6 and anaerobic fungal activity.


Now at FUNGAS I became PhD candidate. One of the aimes is to find within the joint project work enzymes of AnF or enzyme blends that increase the biogas yield of small biogas plants. One of the other aimes, besides moving forward with GH6 enzymatic activity of AnF, is Third-Generation-Sequencing with Nanopore technique.

For me it´s both a very challenging project and a great chance. As my studies in home economics and nutrional science have ended in 2002 and after then I was busy with starting a family and working at the company of my husband.


I´m very much looking forward to closing gaps, catching up with the actual knowledge in microbiology and molecular biology and hoping that some AnF will reveal us some great unknown contexts!

Julia Veitengruber

We are a team of scientists from Austria, Germany and Switzerland working closely together combining microbiology, biotechnology and bioinformatics to investigate potential benefits deriving from the biotechnological usage of anaerobic fungi.


© 2023


Sabine Podmirseg: 

Tel: +43 (0) 512 507 51321

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